Cardigans for junior girl

From solid colored crew neck models to cropped ones with embroidery, floral appliques or lurex details: in our collection of cardigans for girls 6 to 14 years old there's a ton to pick from.

Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
7 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
7 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
7 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
6 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
7 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
7 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 27,45
2 Colors
Sale 40%
Price reduced from CHF 54,90 to CHF 32,94
2 Colors
Sale 50%
Price reduced from CHF 69,90 to CHF 34,95
2 Colors
Sale 40%
Price reduced from CHF 69,90 to CHF 41,94
2 Colors
New Collection
CHF 49,90
6 Colors
Sale 30%
Price reduced from CHF 49,90 to CHF 34,93
2 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
Sale 30%
Price reduced from CHF 49,90 to CHF 34,93
2 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors
New Collection
CHF 49,90
6 Colors
New Collection
CHF 49,90
6 Colors
New Collection
CHF 49,90
6 Colors
New Collection
CHF 49,90
6 Colors
New Collection
CHF 54,90
7 Colors